Lars-Andreas Tovey Kristiansen
mail@toveykristiansen.com / NO: 0047 - 957 82 042

Utopia Planitia

Unité d'Habitation

The Crux of Dwelling

A Utopian Monument

The Radiant City

The Zone of Alienation #1

The Zone of Alienation #2

You don’t need a weatherman
to know which way the wind

If humans were gone at least a
third of all birds on Earth might not even notice

Terrorism, samhällsfara,
attentat, mord! (Amalthea)

Unrealized Ruins

If humans were gone at least a third of all birds on Earth might not even notice
If humans were gone at least a third of all birds on Earth might not even notice
A flooded abandoned studio on the fifth floor of Malmö Art Academy creates a mirror surface, a black void, reflecting the architecture of the space itself displacing its solidity and hiding the dept beneath. Floating plants seemes to have formed in the water and an audio loop of subtle bird whistles sounds from whithin the room. The title: If humans were gone at least a third of all birds on Earth might not even notice, is a statment by ornithologist Steve Hilty noted in the book The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman.

The work combines ideas of the non-site, in how Robert Smithsons understood this concept, with a dystopian setting hinting towards risen water levels possibly due to climate change.

‘"...If one wishes to be ingenious enough to erase time one requires mirrors not rocks."
Robert Smithson, "Incidents of mirror-travel in the Yucatan", Artforum (September 1969)

If humans were gone at least a third of all birds on Earth might not even notice, 2010
Room, desk, chair, linoleum floor, water, floating plants, audio loop (birdwhistles).

Installation view.